Secrets exposed on a foreign land...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Situation for reason or lesson?

PEOPLE always said, we are being put in a situation for a reason. But who can actually find out what reason it is. Is there any reference or dictionary to define the reason for a particular situation.
Why always this reasons are not revealed. Should we ignore? or keep looking for it without any sign or clue?

I read a book few weeks ago, the book said "Whenever you in any hard situation, there are lessons for you to learn". Sometimes i asked myself, what i need to learn out of this or that situation?? But until now i still don't know what should i learn? or what lesson is that?

Maybe i just have too much questions....

Any help is going to offer??? hello......

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pilihan yang silap atau betul?

I am doubt that i had made the right decision took up this offer.

No jobscope!

No proper introduction!

No proper learning structure!

No proper guidance!

No sharing of information!

No system in doing everything.

what i see they got is





keeping thing to themselves

Demand more than what they give


Why am i always trap in this kind of situation???
